Next session Friday 28th June, for Visually Impaired Rowing!


Sessions will be held at Peterborough City Rowing Club funded by Love Rowing


To book email [email protected] or telephone 01223 420033.


Mary Leitch, one of CamSight's service users, had the best experience when she tried out last year and encourages VI individuals to give it a go….


"Being visually impaired, I always have something to lean upon, like a reminder of what I am loosing. Be it my long canes, my adaptive equipment, using passenger assistance and needing to rely on strangers to point me in the right direction for the shops or the correct bus stops.


"Today, being on the water, alone in the rowing boat with the oars in hand, is totally exhilarating, free and exciting. The lack of sight is not an obstacle to taking part in a sport l thought l would never get the opportunity to try.


"I am completely uncoordinated and gave the buoyancy a thorough test on more than one occasion!


"I would like to say thank you to the sponsors and CamSight, who have made this opportunity possible and Peterborough Rowing Club. Kate Lindgren is an inspiration and the whole team of volunteers are very patient with each one of us.


"One day l will get the rhythm and then master my left from my right once again thank you to your team and the Fact Transport Organisation for another brilliant day."



Image Description: A lady leans over a rowing boat to clean the inside of it. She is smiling at the camera and wears a bright orange top and black shaded glasses. There is a lake in the background and trees and a stack of rowing boats on a trailer.

Video Description: Kate Lindgen has been rowing with Peterborough City Rowing Club for seven years. In this interview she talks about the sense of freedom and independence she gets from being on the water. In the video we see her out on a rowing boat with coach Pete, in a two man rowing boat. Then the pair sit alongside the boarding pontoon as she talks to the camera about her experiences over the past seven years. The weather is overcast and there are other boats on the lake. 

Booking for this event has now closed.