In April this year to celebrate his 60th birthday, our trustee Sean Rock took on an epic challenge to raise funds for CamSight.

The 60-60-60 challenge saw Sean Cycling to 60 villages, doing 60 press-ups in each village...and setting himself a target to do all this within an impressive 60 hours!

His incredible efforts were achieved and with support from family, friends, and colleagues, he raised an impressive £5200 for CamSight. 

"It was a brilliant weekend" Sean commented, "And a memorable way to turn 60! But more importantly, I was able to raise a very tidy sum of £5200 for CamSight. I have been a trustee for 15 years and fundraising for CamSight for 21 years and it never ceases to amaze me how supportive the community is towards CamSight, on this occasion my patients, friends, family, and the wider Cambridge community were very generous indeed. 

“In total, I cycled 118 mile to 63 villages, completed 3780 press-ups all in 31 hours. Strong blustery winds with gusts of 40mph made for tough going on the first morning but the next day was calm and clear, and with the great support of my friends Liz Tattersall and Sachin Booysen we completed our challenge. A huge thank you to everyone who donated and for the kind words of support before, during and after the ride. Good luck to all the team at CamSight, carry on your great work.”

If you want to hold a fundraising event or take on a challenge in aid of CamSight, please get in touch with our team by emailing [email protected] or telephone 01223 420033, we would love to hear from you and talk about your ideas. 

Banner Description: A man in a purple T Shirt with the words CamSight lies with one arm horizontally balancing in a grassy garden. He is positioned in front of his bicycle and smiling at the camera.


Sean is pictured with two friends wearing cycling helmets and glasses. They stand in front of a pretty cottage mid challenge. 

Sean is pictured with two friends wearing cycling helmets and glasses. They stand in front of the village sign of Dalham.

Sean is pictured with two friends they stand along the pavement with their bikes and smile to the camera.