Healthwatch Cambridgeshire & Peterborough 

Would you like to share your experiences of  local health and care services whether good or not so good?

Healthwatch are an independent and impartial body ready to listen and champion issues that really matter to local communities. 

Come and have your say: 

Fenland & East Cambs Health & Care Forum Meeting

Date: Thursday October 10th: 10am to 12pm

Venue: The Queen Mary Centre, Queens Road, Wisbech, PE13 2PE

Cambridge and South Cambs Health & Care Forum Meeting

Date: Wednesday December 4th: 10am to 12pm

Venue: Meadows Community Hub, 299 Arbury Road, Cambridge, CB4 2JL

For more information contact [email protected] or call 0330 355 1285.

Cambridge VI Forum

This group meets quarterly, is run by and for local blind and partially sighted people, and is supported by Warren Wilson, RNIB. 

Local service providers are invited to attend to share information about upcoming events, activities and services in general.

Date: Tuesday October 8th: 10am to 12pm

Venue: Freemasons Hall, 45 Bateman St, Cambridge CB2 1NA

For information about service representation at the event, please contact [email protected].

Image banner description: A graphic of multi-coloured stick people holding hands in a circle to represent community