Cambridge Clip 'n' Climb is delighted to be offering facilitated sessions to encourage children to give VI climbing a try. With the help of their offer, children can enjoy their first three climbing sessions for just £11 in total. To find out more about the sessions, and how to apply please the VICTA website for offer details 

·       Dates and times of taster sessions:
The 4 to 15 years session is on Wednesday 14 February at 6pm
The adult 16 years + session is on Wednesday 14 February at 7pm

·       March follow up session:
The 4 to 15 years follow up session will be on Wednesday 13th March at 6pm
The adult 16 years + follow up session will be on Wednesday 13th March at 7pm

·       Locations:  Cambridge

IMAGE DESCRIPTION below: Two people in sportswear, one in a purple CamSight T Shirt and Blue t shirt and shorts, scale a high ropes wall, they are  tied to a bungee rope

Two people in active wear, blue t shirt and shorts scale a high rope wall, they are wearing safety helmets and tied to a bungee rope.